Weiping Hu

Weiping Hu

Prof. Hu Weiping, second grade professor and doctoral supervisor of Shaanxi Normal University. Director of the Key Laboratory of Modern Teaching Technology of the Ministry of Education, Director of the Collaborative Research Center for the Growth of Scientific and Technological Innovation Reserve Talents (jointly established by the China Association for Science and Technology and Shaanxi Normal University). The academic part-time positions mainly include members of the Expert Committee of the National Textbook Committee, Leader of the Science Curriculum Standards Revision Expert Group, Leader of the National High School Physics Curriculum Standards Revision Expert Group, vice chairman of the China Youth Science and Technology Counselors Association, and president of the Science Education Branch of the Chinese Society of Education. Fellow of The International Society for the Study of Creativity and Innovation. He is a member of the editorial board of academic journals at home and abroad, such as Journal of Creative Behavior, Creativity Research Journal, The International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving, Gifted Education International, Journal of Creativity, etc. He has undertaken 58 national, provincial and ministerial projects and 44 horizontal projects. He has published 10 monographs, edited 26 textbooks, published more than 290 papers, including more than 90 SSCI papers, and entered the list of Elsevier China Highly Cited Researchers twice in 2018 and 2019. More than 6,000 schools in more than 20 provinces across the country have promoted teaching reform based on thinking teaching theory. He has won 33 national, provincial and ministerial awards.



  1. Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Hu, W.*, Bai, H., & Lyu, Y. (2025). Applying Machine Learning to Intelligent Assessment of Scientific Creativity Based on Scientific Knowledge Structure and Eye-Tracking Data. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10956-024-10195-9



  1. Li, Y., Beaty, R. E., Luchini, S., Hu, W., & Kenett, Y. N. (2024). The role of semantic memory networks in crystallized intelligence and creative thinking ability. Learning and Individual Differences, 111, 102426. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2024.102426
  2. Xiang, S., Cai, N., Qi, S., Ye, S., Jiang Z., Lyu, Y., & Hu, W*. (2024). When Prevention Facilitates Group Creativity: the Effect of Regulatory Focus and Regulatory Fit on Interpersonal Neural Couplings of Creative Communications. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 52, 101540. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2024.101540
  3. Xiang, S., Li, Y., Qi, S., Ye, C., Lyu, Y., Li Y., & Hu, W*.(2024). More Recruitment but Inefficient Performance: the Effects of Creativity Anxiety on Consciously Augmenting State Creativity in the Figural Domain. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. https://doi.org/10.1037/aca0000675
  4. Lyu, Y., Xiang, S., Jiang, Z., Bai, H., Huang, J., Yang, W., Wang, X., Qi, S. & Hu, W*. (2024). Novelty Seeking Differences in Temporal Dynamics for Novelty and Appropriateness Processing of Creative Information: An ERP Investigation. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 58(4), 613-635. https://doi.org/10.1002/jocb.1504
  5. Xiang, S., Li, Y., Yang, W., Ye, C., Li, M., Dou, S., Lyu, Y., Jiang Z., Li, Y., Qi, S., & Hu, W*. (2024). The Interplay between Scientific Motivation, Creative Process Engagement, and Scientific Creativity: A Network Analysis Study. Learning and Individual Differences, 109, 102385. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2023.102385
  6. Hu, W., Zhang, Y., Lyu, Y. & Xu, J. (2024). Research on the Artificial Intelligence Creativity. Modern Educational Technology, 34(01), 17-25.



  1. Li, Y., Beaty, R. E., Luchini, S., Dai, D. Y., Xiang, S., Qi, S., Li, Y., Zhao, R., Wang, X. & Hu, W*. (2023). Accelerating creativity: effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on the temporal dynamics of divergent thinking. Creativity Research Journal, 35(2), 169-188. https://doi.org/10.1080/10400419.2022.2068297
  2. Li, X., Li, Y., Wang, X., & Hu, W*. (2023). Reduced brain activity and functional connectivity during creative idea generation in individuals with smartphone addiction. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 18(1), nsac052. https://doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsac052
  3. Bai, H., Li, X., Wang, X., Tong, W., Li, Y.*, & Hu, W*. (2023). Active procrastination incubates more creative thinking: The sequential mediating effect of personal mastery and creative self-concept. Creativity Research Journal, 36(4), 675-687. https://doi.org/10.1080/10400419.2023.2171721
  4. Wang, X., Li, Y., Li, X., Dai, D. Y., & Hu, W*. (2023). The influence of varying positive affect in approach-motivation intensity on creative idea generation and creative idea evaluation: an fNIRS study. Thinking & Reasoning, 29(1), 70-110. https://doi.org/10.1080/13546783.2022.2039293
  5. Xiang, S., Li, Y., Daker, R. J., Li, Y., Guo, X., Lei, W., … & Hu, W*. (2023). Linking Creativity Anxiety to Two Creative Cognitive Styles Through Creative Self-Efficacy and Novelty Seeking. Creativity Research Journal, 37(1), 56-70. https://doi.org/10.1080/10400419.2023.2275981



  1. Li, X., Li, Y., Wang, X., Bai, H., Deng, W., Cai, N., & Hu, W*. (2022). Neural mechanisms underlying the influence of retrieval ability on creating and recalling creative ideas. Neuropsychologia, 171, 108239. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108239
  2. Zhang, X., Pi, Z., Zhao, R., Bai, H., Hu, W.*, Wei, X., Cai, N., & Zhang, L. (2022). Task motivation enhances creative performance in online groups, but not interpersonal interaction. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(10), 7086-7103. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2022.2061008
  3. Li, X., Li, Y., Wang, X., Bai, H., & Hu, W*. (2022). Affective valence moderates the influence of thinking style on insight problem solving: Electrophysiological evidence. Biological Psychology, 170, 108317. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsycho.2022.108317
  4. Wang, X., Li, Y., Li, X., Dai, D. Y., & Hu, W*. (2022). The influence of varying positive affect in approach-motivation intensity on creative idea generation and creative idea evaluation: an fNIRS study. Thinking & Reasoning, 29(1), 70-110. https://doi.org/10.1080/13546783.2022.2039293
  5. Li, X., Tong, W., Li, Y., Lyu, Y., & Hu, W*. (2022). The effects of social comparison and self-construal on creative idea generation: An EEG study. Behavioural brain research, 436, 114084. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2022.114084



  1. Wan, Z. H., Lee, J. C. K., & Hu, W. (2021). How should undergraduate students perceive knowledge as a product of human creation? Insights from a study on epistemic beliefs, intellectual risk-taking, and creativity. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 39, 100786. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2021.100786
  2. Wang, X., Li, Y., Li, X., Duan, H., Li, Y., & Hu, W*. (2021). Role of avoidance-motivation intensity in creative thinking: Similar and differential effects across creative idea generation and evaluation. Creativity Research Journal, 33(3), 284-301. https://doi.org/10.1080/10400419.2020.1856595
  3. Xiang, S., Qi, S., Li, Y., Wang, L., Dai, D. Y., & Hu, W*. (2021). Trait anxiety moderates the effects of tDCS over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) on creativity. Personality and Individual Differences, 177, 110804. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2021.110804
  4. Zhang, X., Pi, Z., Li, C., & Hu, W*. (2021). Intrinsic motivation enhances online group creativity via promoting members’ effort, not interaction. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(2), 606-618. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13045



  1. Zhang, X., Cheng, L., Dai, D. Y., Tong, W., & Hu, W*. (2020). Adolescents with different profiles of scientific versus artistic creativity: Similarity and difference in cognitive control. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 37, 100688. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2020.100688
  2. Li, X., Li, Y., Wang, X., Fan, X., Tong, W., & Hu, W*. (2020). The effects of emotional valence on insight problem solving in global-local processing: An ERP study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 155, 194-203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2020.06.011
  3. Lei, W., Deng, W., Zhu, R., Runco, M. A., Dai, D. Y., & Hu, W*. (2020). Does Cognitive Style Moderate Expected Evaluation and Adolescents’ Creative Performance: An Empirical Study. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 55(1), 120-129. https://doi.org/10.1002/jocb.439
  4. Ji, H., Qi, S., Xu, S., Chen, J., Dai, D. Y., Li, Y., & Hu, W*. (2020). The role of animacy in metaphor processing of mandarin Chinese: An event-related potential (ERP) study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 56, 100915. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneuroling.2020.100915



  1. Pi, Z., Hong, J.*, & Hu, W*. (2019). Interaction of the originality of peers’ ideas and students’ openness to experience in predicting creativity in online collaborative groups. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(4), 1801-1814. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12671
  2. Pi, Z., Yang, J., Hu, W.*, & Hong, J*. (2019). The relation between openness and creativity is moderated by attention to peers’ ideas in electronic brainstorming. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(2), 344-352. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2019.1655458
  3. Bai, H., Duan, H., Kroesbergen, E. H., Leseman, P. P., & Hu, W*. (2019). The benefits of the Learn to Think Program for preschoolers’ creativity: An explorative study. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 54(3), 699-711. https://doi.org/10.1002/jocb.404