To join ISSCI as a research group, the ISSCI fellow or full member heading the lab applies with a short description of the lab mission (approximately 50 words) and the names of the lab members, which can include other faculty, graduate students or postdoctoral students. Applications can be submitted to
The description of the lab and the names of the lab members will be listed on this page. ISSCI Fellows and Full Members do not pay membership dues if they belong to member labs. Their membership is covered in the lab dues.
Levels of Membership for Research Labs
There are three levels of membership.
One fellow or full member plus their graduate students or postdoctoral students
Annual dues: 100€
Up to 4 fellows or full members, and their graduate and post-doc students.
Annual dues: 300€
Up to 8 fellows or full members plus their graduate and post-doc students working in lab
Under this membership the research group description can be longer. Deluxe lab members can also sponsor or co-organize one ISSCI-promoted event each year based on a topic of lab's choice
The Center for Hybrid Intelligence is an interdisciplinary collaborative lab located at the Department of Management, School of Business and Social Science, Aarhus University (Denmark). The center is dedicated to exploring the synergies between human and machine intelligence. Through scientific research, digital game development, and education tools, they aim to address complex problems. They emphasize the importance of putting people first in the development of new technologies and fostering a symbiosis between humanity and technology.
With respect to creativity their work includes: computational co-creativity and human-computer interaction, co-creativity for social good, psychometric assessment of creativity using artificial intelligence and digital games, the role of generative AI in creative professional spaces and businesses.
Head of Lab: Jacob Sherson (professor, founder, director) Janet Rafner (Postdoc, Jr. Center director)
Lab members: Blanka Zana (research assistant), Safinaz Büyükgüzel (Postdoc), Ida Bang Hansen (research assistant)
The CCL at the University of Graz, Austria, studies creativity with a focus on cognition. For example, we investigate the role of memory, attention, and cognitive control including metacognitive processes in creative ideation. We also examine individual differences in creativity from potential to behavior, conceptions of creativity, and psychometric challenges in creativity assessment. This work employs behavioral, computational, and neuroscientific methods such EEG, MRI, and eye-tracking.
Head of Lab: Mathias Benedek
Lab Members: Simon Ceh, Ziva Korda, Janika Saretzki, Sonja Walcher
The DoC Lab research activities are mainly focused on the understanding of the psychological mechanisms at the basis of the creative thinking process dynamics. Creative thinking is conceived in the DoC Lab as a complex system emerging from the interactive relationships between cognitive, emotional, personality and contextual factors. The creative thinking process is explored through different research lines and methodological approaches aimed at understanding the creative dynamics from a multivariate point of view. The DoC Lab is based at the University of Trieste (Italy), but it is grounded on international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
The Institute on Creativity and Innovations of Aix-Marseille (InCIAM)conducts multidisciplinary work focusing on both fundamental and applied research objectives, in connection with the socio-economic and cultural world. It comprises 17 research laboratories, 16 master’s trainings and 7 doctoral schools in Aix-Marseille University.
InCIAM is aimed at the understanding of the dynamics, factors and conditions that influence creative and innovation processes and/or the development of creative productions and innovations adapted to individuals and organizations. The thematic research axes developed in the institute are: (1) Creative and Innovation Processes: Epistemology and genetics of creative productions; Understanding and assisting creative and innovation processes; Analysis and support for creative and cultural industries; and (2) Development of innovations in different fields of application : Health; Education; Work.
Head of Institute: Nathalie Bonnardel
Members of InCIAM executive committee: Nathalie Bonnardel (director), Ariel Mendez (deputy director for research), Fabien Girandola (deputy director for training), Louis Alliou (CreaLabengineer), Agnès Lellouche-Gounon (project manager)
The research conducted in the Creativity, Innovation and Leadership Assessment (CILA) lab focuses on creativity and innovation at the individual and team level. Research projects focus on understanding the cognitive processes at the individual and team level, social processes, and personality and motivational factors that influence the creative problem-solving process. The goal of all of the research is to develop practices that can facilitate creativity and innovation in organizations.
This group is dedicated to the study of creativity as distributed, complex systems from which novel ideas emerge, are evaluated and integrated into both personal points of view and group and societal practices. The lab uses a variety of methods with emphasis on case study research.
Head of Lab: Michael Hanchett Hanson
Lab Members: Ann Amato, Ana Inés Jorge Artigau, Jacqueline Cofield, Arnav Durani, Joseph I. Eisman, Jennifer Ruth Hoyden, Sharon Christie Koe, Sam Piede, Stella Wasenitz, Alexander I. Wojcik, Yun Yang
The research conducted by the United Platform for Creativity in Education (UPCE) lab focuses on the assessment and training of creativity in education. Research projects focus on understanding cognitive, social, personality and motivational factors that affect the iterative and dynamic creative process, at the individual and team level.
Head of Lab: Evelyn Kroesbergen
Lab Members: Mare Hooijdonk, Robin Willemsen, Isabelle de Vink, Kim van Broekhoven
This research team aims to cultivate top innovative talents and focuses on teaching and learning, creativity, teacher development, and other issues. The team is responsible for the formulation of relevant national policies and standards and has made influential studies worldwide. Based on the mayor demands to nurture innovative talents, the creativity research team has conducted two aspects in depth: research on the Growth Lab of Innovation Talents and research on the Innovative Talent Training Model.
The ICI of Germany strives to reunite creativity and innovation, combining knowledge and studies about creativity and innovation in order to promote a holistic understanding of the antecedents, development and management of creativity and innovation at both individual and organizational levels. To achieve these goals, the ICI takes an interdisciplinary and intercultural approach, integrating perspectives and experiences of both academics and practitioners from different disciplines and across cultures.
Head of Institute: Min Tang, Christian H. Werner
Institute Members: Joel Schmidt, Sebastian Hofreiter, Michael Neuwirth, Tugba Kara, Thivagan Kanagasabai, Timo Hinrichsen
Head of Institute: Min Tang, Christian H. Werner Institute Members: Joel Schmidt, Sebastian Hofreiter, Michael Neuwirth, Tugba Kara, Thivagan Kanagasabai, Timo Hinrichsen