Cyber-Creativity: A Decalogue of Challenges

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Dear Members of the ISSCI AI Task Force,

first of all, best wishes for a prosperous 2025!

This message is an invitation to express your interest in participating as a co-author to an article by the title: "Cyber-Creativity: A Decalogue of Challenges".

The article shall be written on a very tight schedule, so your interest must go along with a short-term commitment to writing text. Please do not commit if you know you won't be able to contribute in the next 15 days.

Ten sections are foreseen for the decalogue (apart from intro and conclusions):

  1. Cyber-creativity: Theoretical framework
  2. Cyber-creativity: Sociocultural perspectives
  3. The cyber-creative process (modeling)
  4. Cyber-creativity: The creative agent (both human and artificial)
  5. Cyber-creativity: The co-creative team
  6. Cyber-creative products: Estimation, consumption, IPR
  7. Cyber-creativity: Ethical aspects
  8. Cyber-creative domains
  9. Cyber-creative education
  10. The dark side of cyber-creativity

For each section, after a brief recap of the state-of-the-art, both a utopian and a dystopian possible future will be depicted, and as a consequence research challenges will be outlined to favour/avoid utopian/dystopian developments, respectively.

In the survey that you find at this link, you should indicate the sections that you would like to contribute to:

If you are interested in participating, please fill in the survey (it only takes a few minutes) by Tuesday, January 13, at 18:00 CET. No response will be interpreted as no interest in participating.

All the best,

New initiatives


ISSCI Symposium Transformational Creativity (part 2)

Join us for an ISSCI symposium on Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Chair:  Sareh Karami, Mississippi State University


Sareh Karami, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, Mississippi State University

David H Cropley, Professor of Engineering Innovation, University of South Australia, UniSA STEM, Australia

Aakash Chowkase, Associate Research Scientist, Yale University

Please join us to share your perspectives, knowledge, curiosity, and creativity.

If you missed our last symposium, you can find the recording here

This event is for the ISSCI members. Feel free to share with your lab members, but please do not share the link publicly. We had a zoom bombing incident. According to the safety team at Zoom, this is likely because the link was shared publicly.

Select the icon below to directly add the meeting information to your calendar:

List of upcoming symposia:

Creativity and culture

    March 12, 2025
    Chair: Min Tang
    -Todd Lubart, Université de Paris, France
    Creativity and Innovation: The Western Perspective
    -Weiguo Pang East China Normal University, China
    Creativity and Innovation: The Eastern/Confucian Perspective
    -Min Tang, University Institute of Schaffhausen, Switzerland
    Creativity and Innovation: When Germany Meets China – The CHINATIV Project
    -Solange Wechsler, Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Campinas, Brazil

    April 30, 2025
    -Philipp Barth, European University Viadrina, Germany
    Creativity in the West and the East: A Meta-Analysis of Cross-Cultural Difference
    -Vlad Glaveanu, Dublin City University, Ireland
    Sociocultural Approach to Creativity and Methological Complexity
    -Angela Yee Leung, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
    Culture, Creativity, and Innovation: Where are we now and where are we heading?
    -David Matsumoto, San Francisco State University, United States
    Cross-Cultural Research Methods: Metholological Biases and Recommendations

Transformational Creativity (part 1)


ISSCI Symposium

Friday, January 24, 2025

16:00-18:00 CET (Europe)

10:00am-12:00pm EST (North America, Eastern)

Chair:  Sareh Karami, Mississippi State University


Ophélie Allyssa Desmet, Ball State University 
Beyond Novel Ideas: Fostering Transformational Creativity in Education

Vlad Glaveanu, Dublin City University
Sociocultural Approaches to Transformational Creativity: The Science of Expanded Possibilities

Robert Sternberg, Cornell University 
A Systems Theory of Creativity: A New Synthesis of 50 Years of Research

Please join us to share your perspectives, knowledge, curiosity, and creativity.

If you missed our last symposium, you can find the recording here

This event is for the ISSCI members. Feel free to share with your lab members, but please do not share the link publicly. We had a zoom bombing incident. According to the safety team at Zoom, this is likely because the link was shared publicly.

Select the icon below to directly add the meeting information to your calendar:

8th MIC Conference

The 3rd ISSCI General Assembly will be held on September 17 at the MIC Conference 2024 in Sardinia (Italy)

A link to connect online will be provided right before the assembly. 

The general theme of the 8th MIC Conference 2024 is Surfing on Creative Waves: inspired by a fantastic venue, we will be surfing waves of ideas on creativity and innovation coming from different perspectives, disciplines, and domains of knowledge.

Organized by


ISSCI Educational Programs Survey

The Education Committee initiated a survey in January 2024 among its members. The purpose was to collect insights on various educational programs focused on promoting creativity.

ISSCI Educational Programs Survey

With the endorsement of the ISSCI Board, the Education Committee initiated a survey in January 2024 among its members. The purpose was to collect insights on various educational programs focused on promoting creativity. This includes comprehensive and brief courses, workshops, seminars, summer programs, and initiatives involving key stakeholders, all designed to nurture creativity and innovation.

The survey was conducted with three primary objectives in mind

1. To enhance familiarity and interaction within the ISSCI community.
2. To gather ideas that could lead to collaborative educational endeavours in the future.
3. To offer, with your consent, an opportunity to showcase your creativity and innovation (C&I) educational projects via ISSCI’s communication platforms.

Extended Courses

Psychology of Creativity

    •Contact: Sergio Agnoli
    •Institution: University of Trieste (Italy)

    Module 1: Psychological fundamentals
    Module 2: Marketing

    •Contact: Mark Batey
    •Institution: Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)

    Key principles for creativity and innovation
    Creative spaces and places for innovation
    Techniques and tools for identifying trends and forces for change
    Techniques and tools for generating creative ideas
    Techniques and tools for evaluating and testing ideas
    Theories and models of innovation management
    Models and practices for a creative and innovative organisational culture
    The psychology and leadership of change
    Storytelling techniques for successful change
    Stakeholder management

    •Contact: Giovanni Corazza
    •Institution: University of Bologna (Italy)

    This is a course offered at Masters level within the University of Bologna, to all students from all disciplines. Only 50 seats. The class is therefore very heterogeneous. We teach creativity principles, starting from the dynamic definition of creativity and following the DA VINCI Model & Method to drive the class in focusing attention, drawing inspiration, generating ideas, estimating their values, and producing a final presentation. The course has been active since 2014. Average number of students is around 80. Since 2023, Generative AI tools have entered the course, which starting from 2025 will be named “Cyber-creativity and Innovation”.

    •Contact: Giovanni Corazza
    •Institution: University of Bologna (Italy)

    This course is offered at the Bachelor level to students enrolled in the Industrial Product Design course of studies. At the end of this class, the student possesses scientifically sound notions about the dynamic definition of creativity and the dynamic creative thinking process, along with the pragmatic application of the principles for the generation of new ideas, following the DA VINCI Model & Method. The course has been active since 2014. Average number of students is around 100. Since 2023, Generative AI tools have entered the course.

    •Contact: Vlad Glaveanu
    •Institution: Dublin City University (Ireland)

    Undergraduate course mandatory for all psychology undergraduate students at DCU (so Bachelor in Psychology, Bachelor in Psychology and Disruptive Technology, and Bachelor in Psychology and Mathematics)

    •Contact: Michael Hanchett Hanson
    •Institution: Teachers College Columbia University (USA)

    The course presents a historical overview of theories of creativity in psychology. Students apply the different approaches and theories to situations they know well. Students must analyze the strengths and limitations of any theory in relation to the specific context. The goal is for students to be aware of different conceptualizations of creativity and its development and be able to critically analyze and apply the theories to specific contexts

    •Contact: Michael Hanchett Hanson
    •Institution: Teachers College Columbia University (USA)

    Graduate students in education and psychology study case study methods for analyzing creativity and develop a full case (approximately 30 pages), including original research. The evolving systems and participatory creativity framework are used to develop the cases.

    •Contact: Anatoliy Kharkhurin
    •Institution: HSE University (Moscow, Russia)

    The PICK learning system aims to boost linguistic, intercultural, and creative competencies, all essential for success in the modern world. Through three training modules, we focus on developing three crucial competencies: creative, intercultural, and linguistic. To ensure the successful implementation of the training in the classroom, we additionally offer three sets of lectures and workshops.

    •Contact: Todd Lubart
    •Institution: Université Paris Cité (France)

    Structure: Master 2 course, 18 hours, on creativity and innovation from an economic and psychology perspective. 10 to 15 students, an elective in the master of economics and psychology program. active for 10 years.

    Syllabus: creativity, innovation, creative consumption, adoption of new ideas and products, innovation economics, Solow residual, investment theory of creativity, psychoeconomics of creativity and innovation etc.

    •Contact: Felix-Kingsley Obialo
    •Institution: Dominican University (Nigeria)

    To make the students develop creative and innovative skills as essential life skills that will help them to excel in any contexts they operate; designed for sophomores and year three students; lasting for two semesters in a year; lasts for two years; over 120 students participate per semester.

    •Contact: Wendy Ross
    •Institution: London Metropolitan University (UK)

    A second-year core module on creativity and innovation covering the core aspects of the British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited degree.

    The syllabus is currently being developed.

    •Contact: Paul Sowden
    •Institution: University of Winchester (UK)

    Structure: This is a specialist module designed for final year undergraduate psychology students. 30-40 students participate each year. It has been running in current form for 5 years and in a previous form for 5+ years.

    Syllabus: The module aims to orient students to a wide spectrum of research on creativity drawing connections more broadly to the major sub-disciplinary areas of psychology and beyond. Throughout the module students complete a wide range of enquiry-based learning tasks, reflect on these and develop an intervention to foster creativity in a school education setting that requires them to translate their knowledge and learning to an applied challenge.

    •Contact: Min Tang
    •Institution: University of Applied Management (Germany)

    This elective course is open to both Bachelor and Master students of our university every semester. Aiming to develop students’ scientific understanding of creativity and innovation and to provide them with the opportunity to develop their own creativity., this course introduces basic concepts, theories, and approaches to creativity and innovation, tackles the ‘mystery’ of creative thinking and creative problem solving, and provides tools/skills for students to unleash their own creativity.

    •Contact: Min Tang
    •Institution: University of Applied Management (Germany)

    This elective course is open to any students who are currently pursuing a Master degree at our university and who are interested in the topic of creativity and innovation. It aims to help students
    • Increase creative awareness and develop creative attitudes.
    • Discover and explore their own creative abilities (creative thinking and creative problem-solving).
    • Promote managerial and leadership skills for the management of creative processes & innovation.

    •Contact: Gerard Puccio
    •Institution: Buffalo State University

    Today many sources, such as LinkedIn and the World Economic Forum, argue that creativity and creative thinking are among the most crucial workplace skills. Creativity is an effective resource that resides in all people and within all organizations. Our more than 50 years of research has conclusively demonstrated that creativity can be nurtured and enhanced through the use of deliberate tools, techniques, and strategies. Through our undergraduate courses, our students develop essential life skills that they can apply to their personal and professional lives.

    •Contact: Gerard Puccio
    •Institution: Buffalo State University

    The leadership minor program is designed for all students interested in studying and applying leadership theory and practice. The leadership minor supports the mission of Buffalo State in preparing a diverse population of students for leadership roles and responsibilities in a challenging world. The minor serves as a nexus for connecting and integrating the insights of a variety of disciplines in understanding the complex phenomenon of leadership. Out of multiple modes of inquiry, students acquire frameworks that guide creative and critical thinking, and inform the practice of leadership in relevant contexts. A minor in leadership is a wonderful addition to any major, and enables students to be more competitive in the job market. To apply for the Leadership minor or for additional information about these courses, contact the Creativity and Change Leadership Department (

    •Contact: Giovanni Corazza
    •Institution: Bologna Business School

    Various Masters at the Bologna Business School include our short courses on Creativity and Innovation. These courses have been active since 2015. Average number of students is around 25. Since 2023, Generative AI tools have entered these courses.

    •Contact: Giovanni Corazza

    Since its inception in 2011, the Marconi Institute for Creativity offers seminars, short courses and application sessions to private and public companies. Typically this happens 3-5 times per year. Companies belong to very disparate sectors (electronics, transport, food, insurance, etc)
    Syllabus: The typical duration of the company training is two days. The methodology is based on the DA VINCI model. Since 2023, Gen-AI tools are also integrated in the courses. Application sessions are typically of two hours, and they are aimed at generating ideas that have the ambition to become invention disclosures or patents.

    •Contact: Giovanni Corazza
    •Institution: Marconi Institute for Creativity

    MIC’s contribution to this yearly Summer School intended for PhD students in microbiology is a half-day session on creativity principles geared towards entrepreneurship development.

    Average number of participants: 35. Active since 2016.

    Syllabus: Creativity definition. Dynamic creative process. Creativity beyond the human species. The DA VINCI model and method

    •Contact: Gerard Puccio
    •Institution: Buffalo State University

    To enable students to develop the cognitive and affective skills proven to enhance personal and professional success.
    This 6 credit hour, 2 graduate course, micro-credential is drawn from the MSc curriculum.

    Business, educational, and governmental leaders have identified creativity and complex problem solving as crucial 21st-century skills. This six-credit micro-credential provides students with the cognitive and affective skills proven to enhance personal and professional success.
    For course descriptoins go to:

    •Contact: Gerard Puccio
    •Institution: Buffalo State University

    Theoretical development and practical utilization of the latest creativity studies skills and techniques for global educational personnel in K-12 schools and higher education, as well as trainers and educational consultants.
    For course descriptions go to:

    •Contact: Felix-Kingsley Obialo
    •Institution: Dominican University

    To foster creativity and innovation skills among youth of Umuokpu Abajah, Imo State Nigeria

    •Contact: Felix-Kingsley Obialo
    •Institution: Dominican University

    To mentor altar servers of the Catholic Archdiocese of Ibadan Nigeria, who are mostly adolescents and young adults to become creative and entrepreneurial

    •Contact: Margaret Mc Veigh
    •Institution: Griffith Film School, Griffith University

    This is a private painting course I take twice a year with an accredited and prize winning Australian artist and qualified teacher. It is designed to free the artist from creative restrictions and rules as paintings are done rapidly and on cardboard so there is no preciousness of materials like expensive canvases where the artist may be afraid to make a mistake. Making art in this way frees the artist to create innovative and original work.

    •Contact: Sergio Agnoli
    •Institution: University of Trieste. Dynamics of Creativity Lab

    PSYCHOLOGICAL FUNDAMENTALS: The module will focus on the most recent theoretical and research approaches for the study of creativity in individuals and in groups, with special emphasis on the practical applications of the creative thinking from an innovation perspective. Starting from the analysis of the psychological (cognitive, emotional, personality, and neuroscientific) substrates of creative thinking, the modules will delve into the role of creativity in the working context, addressing the empirical approaches for the measuring and enhancement of the individual and team creative potential.

    MARKETING: The module delves into the phenomenon of consumption and grasps the implications, as well as the critical issues, that the centrality of the customer assumes in the perspective of the marketing process aimed at creating value for the market. To this end, this module intends to provide the concepts and tools for the construction of a marketing plan, a basic tool for understanding the role of this function in the context of the company.

    •Contact: Sergio Agnoli
    •Institution: University of Trieste. Dynamics of Creativity Lab

    A short course (4 hours) for Phd Students of the Neural and Cognitive Sciences Doctoral Program of the University of Trieste focused on the concept of originality in research and on methods to increase originality in the scientific practice.

    •Contact: Min Tang
    •Institution: University of Applied Management (Germany)

    Goal: To foster creativity through intercultural and international communication and collaboration. To development scientific understanding of the antecedents, development and management of creativity and innovation at both individual and organizational levels.
    Audience: International students from at least four different countries.

    •Contact: Zorana Ivcevic
    •Institution: Yale University

    This is a series of educational programs created for an art center in Santander, Spain, including museum demonstrations, workshops (1-2 hour long, single session), and courses (each 6-8 sessions). The goal of these programs is to teach creativity and emotion skills through the arts; thus, the goal is not to teach about art itself or teach artistic skills, but art is a vehicle. We are capitalizing on the creative nature of art and the emotional nature of art to teach these skills to children, adolescents, families, and professional adults (for different courses).

    •Contact: Bill Lucas
    •Institution:University of Winchester

    Creativity Collaboratives is a three-year pilot action research programme that aims to build networks of schools to test a range of innovative practices in teaching for creativity, with the explicit intention that learning is shared to facilitate system-wide change. Funded by Arts Council England, it numbers some 100 schools spread across 8 regions of England. The programme has a peer to peer professional learning programme facilitated by Bill Lucas and is being externally evaluated by Durham University.

    •Contact: Bill Lucas
    •Institution:University of Winchester

    A global movement to raise the status of creativity in schools. GIoCT gathers and disseminates case studies and has recently launched an awareness-raising week focusing on Creativity in Schools in the third week of October, annually (14-18 October 2024) and a new award scheme open to schools across the world.

    •Contact: Mark Batey
    •Institution: Manchester Metropolitan University

    This was a 3 month creativity and innovation programme for 35 senior leaders across 7 countries of an international telecoms and technology company.

    •Contact: Alessandro Antonietti
    •Institution: Universita’ Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore

    Allowing teachers to be aware of the psychological mechanisms of creativity and managing assessment and training procedures. The courses are addressed to kindergarten, primary and secondary school teachers. The duration varies according to the needs of the schools. The average number of participants to each course is about 20.

    •Contact: Alessandro Antonietti
    •Institution: Universita’ Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore

    Learning programmes addressed to professionals working in different domains where creativity is relevant. The goal is to teach techniques and to induce attitudes which help being creative in the workplace. Groups of 10-20 participants.

    •Contact: Paul Sowden
    •Institution: University of Winchester

    This is a three year funded initiative to help a network of UK based primary schools develop their teaching for creativity across the school curriculum. The programme has focused on five interleaved streams of work: Context, Knowledge, Agency, Pedagogies and Leadership for creativity. Context for creativity focuses on identifying barriers and enablers of learning and teaching for creativity in our participating schools and their interaction with inequality & disadvantage. Knowledge for creativity focuses on building learners’, teachers’

    and leaders’ knowledge and understanding of creativity. Agency for creativity focuses on supporting learners and teachers to develop their creative self-efficacy. Pedagogies for creativity focuses on developing evidence-based pedagogies to foster creativity, working with teachers, and pre-service teachers undergoing initial teacher education. Finally, leadership for creativity focuses on effective leadership, governance, and collaboration strategies to grow a climate for creativity and sustainable change. A key emphasis of our collaborative’s work has been on creativity as a process that can be planned for and monitored, supported by a range of creative behaviours. This has led to the development of a framework that is being used across our schools to guide pedagogic approaches to teaching for creativity. We are currently developing a professional learning package to support schools wishing to develop research evidence informed teaching for creativity

    •Contact: Jessica Hoffman
    •Institution: Yale University

    InspirED is a free program for middle and high schools. Through online materials including a playbook, school stories, and a resource library of project ideas, a team of students is supported in completing a four-step creative process: Assess their school’s climate; Brainstorm projects/campaigns they could do to make their school a better place; Commit to and Complete a project of their choosing, Debrief their impact. The training focuses on building creative thinking skills and emotional intelligence skills that facilitate turning creative ideas into a reality. inspirED came be as short as a semester or something a school adopts more permanently as an ongoing club. We have approximately 750 schools in the US that have used inspirED to-date.

    •Contact: Todd Lubart
    •Institution: Université Paris Cité

    Students with background in the arts or psychology, to become practitioners of art therapy.

    Available in french, classes concern theory and practice , using creative activities as a base for therapeutic care.  Part of the ECARTE european consortium of art therapy education.

    •Contact: Michael Hanchett Hanson
    •Institution: Teachers College Columbia University

    Masters students in education and/or psychology complete a full degree course focusing on creative development and creative cognition.


    •Contact: Nathalie Bonnardel
    •Institution: Aix-Marseille University

    The DESU Creativity and Education will begin in 2024-2025. The course lasts one year and comprises around 180 hours of teaching. The audience is master and post-master’s students. The aim of the diploma is to train specialists in creativity and innovation, capable of responding to current and emerging needs in a variety of sectors, including clinical, ergonomic and technological, socio-economic and management, educational and artistic. It enables continuing education professionals and students with a Master’s degree (or other accepted diploma) with initial training in a specific field (e.g. clinical, socio-economic or technological) to specialize while diversifying their areas of expertise. In addition, this complementary training supports graduates in their professional activities while enriching their practices (e.g. implementation of creative pedagogies for teachers; implementation of artistic mediation practices in the medical, paramedical and clinical fields; implementation of ideation and “design thinking” techniques for psychologists, ergonomists or managers).

    •Contact: Min Tang
    •Institution: University of Applied Management (Germany)

    This is a part-time PhD program is offered by Private University Seeburg, Austria, an alliance partner of the University of Applied Management, Germany. The program focuses on non-technical innovation and strives to examining the organizational, management-related and psychological requirements, determinants and implications of non-technological innovations. This program includes five subordinate research areas:
    1. Creativity and innovations
    2. Digital innovation and digital entrepreneurship
    3. Emergence of innovations
    4. The protection of intellectual property
    5. Innovation networks

    •Contact: Gerard Puccio
    •Institution: Buffalo State University

    Provide rigorous education in field of creativity studies, with an emphasis on applied skills based on a curriculum of courses that blend theory and practice. Founded: 1975. Audience: this trans-disciplinary program is open to all and is delivered on campus and fully online. The fully online program is targeted towards professionals. Number of students: at any given time the range of students is 50 to 70 degree and certificate seeking students.

    •Contact: Margaret Mangion
    •Institution: University of Malta

    In today’s rapidly changing environment, the future is unlikely to be a repetition of the past. New challenges emerge every day, and yesterday’s solutions may be insufficient to overcome the obstacles encountered tomorrow. Successful adaptation to this dynamic reality requires the ability to generate creative ideas, implement innovative strategies, and attain an entrepreneurial mindset that transforms problems into opportunities. This Diploma shall develop your knowledge, transferable skills and attitudes concerning creativity and idea generation, innovation (including innovation management), and entrepreneurship through a blend of theoretical and practical approaches, which will prepare you to tackle challenges in a flexible manner and allow for the development of operational skills and creative possibilities. This course will be delivered via a hybrid learning approach.

    •Contact: Margaret Mangion
    •Institution: University of Malta

    This is an interdisciplinary programme designed to assist you to expand your perception, employ creative skills, develop ideas individually and within teams, sustain a creative climate and manage innovation. It introduces methods, processes and concepts which help to identify opportunities and cultivate appropriate skills and attitudes. The course offers a blend of theory, research and discussions, focusing on five main subject areas: creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, critical thinking and foresight. It brings together local and international students from diverse educational backgrounds and disciplines

    •Contact: Margaret Mangion
    •Institution: University of Malta

    Degree in the areas of Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship or Foresight, which is available to candidates who are appropriately qualified in at least one of the Institute’s domains of specialisation listed above. The Ph.D. programme is available to candidates on both a full-time and a part-time basis, with the programme’s duration ranging from 3 to 4 years full-time, or 6 to 8 years part-time. While prospective candidates may submit an application to enrol in the Institute’s Ph.D. programme at any point throughout the academic year, they are advised to contact the Institute ( to discuss their research proposal and to identify a suitable supervisor prior to submitting their formal application.

    •Contact: Ron Beghetto
    •Institution: Arizona State University

    I have developed a new grad course on this topic (will offered fall 2024) and have a small (but growing) a research team, which is open to external partners.  My ASU colleagues and I are also in the process of developing collaborative research projects, interdisciplinary partnerships, enterprise technology infrastructure, and applied research centres at ASU on Human Creativity x GenAI in Ed… The goal is to support the responsible development and use of GenAI tools to augment human creativity, teaching and learning.