Cyber-Creativity: A Decalogue of Challenges

Screenshot 2025-01-10 at 17.21.03


Dear Members of the ISSCI AI Task Force,

first of all, best wishes for a prosperous 2025!

This message is an invitation to express your interest in participating as a co-author to an article by the title: "Cyber-Creativity: A Decalogue of Challenges".

The article shall be written on a very tight schedule, so your interest must go along with a short-term commitment to writing text. Please do not commit if you know you won't be able to contribute in the next 15 days.

Ten sections are foreseen for the decalogue (apart from intro and conclusions):

  1. Cyber-creativity: Theoretical framework
  2. Cyber-creativity: Sociocultural perspectives
  3. The cyber-creative process (modeling)
  4. Cyber-creativity: The creative agent (both human and artificial)
  5. Cyber-creativity: The co-creative team
  6. Cyber-creative products: Estimation, consumption, IPR
  7. Cyber-creativity: Ethical aspects
  8. Cyber-creative domains
  9. Cyber-creative education
  10. The dark side of cyber-creativity

For each section, after a brief recap of the state-of-the-art, both a utopian and a dystopian possible future will be depicted, and as a consequence research challenges will be outlined to favour/avoid utopian/dystopian developments, respectively.

In the survey that you find at this link, you should indicate the sections that you would like to contribute to:

If you are interested in participating, please fill in the survey (it only takes a few minutes) by Tuesday, January 13, at 18:00 CET. No response will be interpreted as no interest in participating.

All the best,